
Friday, November 7, 2014

First Post With Nikon Df - Marine Memorial (Iwo Jima)

Well, I think I like the Nikon Df. One day out with it and I'm amazed at its capabilities. Here's my first post with it, shot at the Iwo Jima memorial in Arlington, Virginia.
Reaching for Freedom, by Reed A. George
Nikon Df, 105mm f2.5 AIS Lens
iso 1100, f8, 1/250 sec.
The high iso capability of this camera is unbelievable. Normally, I would never dream of shooting at iso 1100 in broad daylight. In this case, I put the camera on Auto-ISO, set the shutter speed fast enough to ensure sharpness handholding the 105mm lens, and f-stop at 8 to get decent depth of field. The camera chose iso 1100, which in the old days would have meant a lot of digital noise. There is next to none in this picture, at least not enough to worry about, even if I were to print it large.
Great fun. I'm going to enjoy this new camera.

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