
Friday, November 14, 2014

Found Prints - Two Shots of a Soldier at Home, and the Concept of Association

Following on my post two days ago of old pictures I found in my friend's antique shop The Gilded Flea in Harpers Ferry, WV, here are a couple more that drew my interest.
Of course, any picture of someone with a camera from back in the day interests me:
Soldier With His Camera
I believe that's probably a Kodak Duaflex, but can't be sure.
Here's another picture of the same young soldier:
Heading Out
I sure hope his little sister in the background got to see him again.
One thing that strikes me about both these pictures and the ones I posted two days ago is association. I have a close friend who's a Paleontologist. I learned from him the value of finding multiple fossils that are known to have come from the same organism, or sometimes multiple organisms interacting. That's called an association. I submit that association in old photographs is equally important.
These pictures would make great starting material for a fictional story. Maybe I'll write one.

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