
Sunday, November 16, 2014

More From My Leica IIIG

Here are a few more images from the roll I recently put through my Leica IIIG and collapsible Summicron 50mm f2 lens.
I really liked how the light was coming through the leaves at the top of the frame above, and lighting peoples' faces as they walked by against the darker background.
This is from a flea market in Georgetown, Washington, DC. I picked up a nice Canonet 1.9 rangefinder camera there for $15. It has a cracked glass over the focusing finder, but after a little lubrication, it's shooting as good as new. I don't think the crack will affect how it functions at all.
And here's my friend, Charlie, with his mint Rolleiflex 2.8F and a IIIG of his own. I believe that's his Cosina-Voigtlander 28mm f3.5 lens mounted up there.

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