
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Old Polaroids - and a Surprise

I love to look at old photographs. A couple of weeks back, I visited my buddy's unique antique shop, The Gilded Flea, in Harpers Ferry, West Virginia.
(Click Here) to check out The Gilded Flea.
Anyway, as you can guess, I found some interesting old pictures there. Here are two that were close together in the box. I was pretty sure they belonged together, but not sure.
Two Polaroids
That looks like one mighty proud fisherman, and a nice trout, too!
Further down in the box, I found a single 4x5 negative - the same two images, together!. This is what it looks like, scanned on my Epson V750:
Scanned 4x5 Image of the Polaroids
I suppose it may not have been unusual to use a 4x5 camera to make an internegative of Polaroids, so that you could reprint them and send them to your friends. I thought it was pretty cool to find this along with the originals.
Finally, I got to looking at the picture on the left and noticed the calendar. Scanning the Polaroid at high resolution, I was able to see this:
I'm pretty sure it indicates that the picture was taken in 1954 (possibly '64?). Certainly in April.
It's really fun and thought-provoking to look at old images like this. I can imagine so many alternative stories that led the people to these images.

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