
Tuesday, December 23, 2014

A Little Holiday Hibernation

I've been writing this blog every day, literally every day, for five three years. I don't know if it's apparent, but I'm the only one who writes here.
I'm not burnt out or planning to quit. But, I am planning to take a couple of weeks of time at the holidays to relax and regroup. So, while I'll continue to post, it's going to be just a single photo (of mine) each day. Usually without much text.
I'll be back full-force after the holidays, and may even have a new project or two to share.
So, here's your first installment of a photo a day:
White Rabbit Spies White Rabbit, by Reed A. George
Leica IIIG, 50mm f2 Summicron Collapsible
Stay tuned!

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