
Sunday, December 14, 2014

Nikon Df With Lenses from all Nikon Ages - Many Great Example Images

As you may know, I've recently acquired a Nikon Df. I'm thoroughly enjoying shooting it with lots of different lenses, from old pre-AI to the latest models.
Nikon Df with Nikkor-P 105mm f2.5 (pre-AI) Lens
Image Source:
(Click Here) to see a post on a Japanese site with great sample images from a large selection of Nikkor lenses. The photo above is included there, and I think it's beautiful.
The funniest thing is how I found this site. There's a forum post on Rangefinder Forum referring to this page. One of the comments on the post says that these examples remind the writer of how soft the pre-AI 105mm lens was. Cracks me up. (Click Here) to read that comedy.
Just goes to show you that you must judge cameras and lenses for yourself. If something works for me, I couldn't care less whether the majority of people opining online agree with me.
I need more time to get out with my new Df! It's such a wonderful camera.

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