
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

High Work, Powerline Installation

I've been watching these powerlines get installed near my home.
One day, when they were working very close to the road, I drove home and picked up the Mamiya Universal Press (MUP) and came back to photograph the installers at work. I approached some guys on the ground, and explained that I was going to take a few photographs. They said no problem.
I shot all of these with the Mamiya 150mm f5.6 lens. I used TMax black and white film and the 6x7 Mamiya back. I cropped the first two images to 6x9 format, to eliminate a bad scratch on the negatives.
The guy on the wires closest to me in the picture above was new to the job. He and his boss (on the ground) were yelling at each other the whole time I was there. Dropping the F bomb left and right. The boss explained to me that he'd left a line in the wrong place, and had to retrace his earlier work. He also told me that if that little carriage they're in goes off the cables, you basically have to climb out and get it back on. Pretty stressful stuff.
It was certainly worth the stop to photograph them. I found myself wanting a longer lens for this particular subject. Maybe I'll go back and catch them with my Nikon DSLR and a 300mm lens.

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