
Friday, February 20, 2015

"My Little Town" Exhibit at Photoworks, Glen Echo

I've been participating and learning from a great group of photographers at Photoworks, Glen Echo Park, in Maryland. (Click Here) to read more about the group.
Photoworks is hosting a juried exhibit from February 27 - April 13, 2015.
I entered the following images, but did not get selected for the exhibit. I shot all of these in DC, with my Rolleiflex 2.8F. Though they weren't selected, I'm still proud of these images.
It's important to remember that we don't only learn from our successes. In fact, some would argue that we only learn from our failures. I am looking forward to seeing the work that was selected for the exhibit, to help me improve my own photographic skills.
There is a reception at the exhibit on Friday, February 27.

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