
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Self-Portrait at 50

I posted a self-portrait yesterday. Here's another. This one was harder for me, and deals with the fact that I've just turned fifty. There's symbolism in the cards, and no attempt to hide my age in my face.
Self-Portrait at 50, by Reed A. George
Nikon Df, Nikkor 35mm f2 AF-D Lens, Nikon SB-600 Flash
iso 200, f8, 1/60 sec.
You'll notice there are only two cards left in my pocket, and one's the ace of spades. The other fifty say something about the years behind me now. The queen of hearts is still there, close by.
I shot this by setting up my Nikon Df on a tripod, pointing straight down at me as I lay on the floor on black background material. The SB-600 flash is pointed in exactly the opposite direction, bouncing off of the ceiling. Twenty second self-timer, just enough time to get the cards in place.
Again, the inspiration for doing self-portraits came from the Photographer's Playbook. See the Amazon link below if you want to know more about that book.

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