
Saturday, March 14, 2015

Spring Really Coming? And Some Thoughts on Cheap Cameras.

Previous Spring, by Reed A. George
Polaroid 103, Fuji FP100C Instant Film
I was talking with a couple of friends today about favorite and not-favorite photographers, what I like about cameras and photography and why, and the like, today.
It was an interesting discussion, starting off with the fact that neither of them is fond of Gary Winogrand's work; I find it fascinating. Then, we moved on to cameras. Now, you probably know that I love fine cameras. But, I also love cheap ones. This brought me to the realization that some of the images that stick in my mind were made with the cheaper, less precision-made cameras. This image is a good example of that. I can still remember the smell of spring in the air, and the fact that my allergies had started up. It almost makes my eyes itch to look at this picture. But, it also reminds me that spring is right around the corner.
Would this image win any popularity contests? Almost certainly not. But, it works for me.

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