
Monday, April 20, 2015

Another Shot at Light Painting Cherry Blossoms with the Nikon Df

Referring to my post from two days ago, I decided to get back out with the cherry blossoms after dark one more time this year. Fighting my allergies, last remaining vestiges of jet lag from the Japan trip, and worries that my neighbors would wonder why this crazy guy was shining his flashlight up into the trees for an hour or so, I went for it. Here are my favorite light painting shots of the cherry trees this spring.
Falling Blossoms #1, by Reed A. George
Nikon Df, Nikkor 35mm f2 AF-D Lens
iso 100, f11, 479 seconds
Falling Blossoms #2, by Reed A. George
Nikon Df, Nikkor 35mm f2 AF-D Lens
iso 100, f11, 357 seconds
Yes, it took me 6-8 minutes per shot to do all of the light painting you see here. I had to paint the trunks of all three trees, then the branches. Then, I did the falling blossoms (several per tree). All with one flashlight. I think it was worth it. I feel that I succeeded in making something unique if not beautiful. At least they're not just one more series of straight shots of cherry trees. And through the process, I learned some of what not to do as well as what kind of works in this type of photography.

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