
Sunday, April 12, 2015

Today's Photos From Japan - Grill Master

Food is always one of the highlights of visiting Japan. We ate lunch at an amazing restaurant in Tokyo called Wakanui, which features grilled meats. Here's the grill master at work:
Grill Master, by Reed A. George
Nikon Df, Nikkor 50mm f1.2 AIS Lens
iso 3200, f1.4, 1/250 sec.
The grill master was very impressive to watch. He used a metal probe to check the internal temperature of the meats. An electronic thermometer? Certainly not. He would insert the probe deep into the meat, then press it against his lower lip to sense the temperature with his own neurons. I like that.
Grill Master No. 2, by Reed A. George
Nikon Df, Nikkor 50mm f1.2 AIS Lens
iso 3200, f1.4, 1/250 sec.

I have found myself wondering why I carry any camera other than my Lumix LX-100 when traveling. These photos are part of the answer. Shooting at f1.4 at 50mm focal length, and getting these kind of results at iso 3200 are the sole domain of the Nikon Df in my camera set. These are jpegs straight from the camera, just converted to black and white and cropped in Snapseed, on my iPad.

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