
Wednesday, April 1, 2015

What Goes On Behind the Monuments

I figured I should post a little humor on April Fool's Day.
My friends and I frequently find ourselves photographing around the monuments at the National Mall in Washington, DC. The Lincoln Memorial is a very common stop, and my comrades have worked on their own projects there, including photographing tourists taking "selfies" there.
The last time we went, I put my new Nikkor Series E 100mm f2.8 lens on my Nikon Df and decided to shoot the back and sides of the Lincoln Memorial, from ground level. Here is a triptych of images that I got, all within five minutes or so of shooting.
Scenes Behind the Memorial, by Reed A. George
A little hard to see the people at this scale? Take a look at the insets below to see what was going on in each corresponding frame above.
What's Really Going On, by Reed A. George
I think in all three cases (certainly the last), my subjects knew they were being photographed. I appreciate all of their good humor!

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