
Thursday, May 14, 2015

Baseball - Japanese Little League, Shot with Leica IIIG

Baseball is big sport in Japan, including Little League.
Little League Baseball, Japan, by Reed A. George
Leica IIIG, Elmarit 5cm f3.5 Collapsible Lens
Kodak TMax 400 Film
On one of my morning walks around Tokyo, I came across this team, running drills either before or after their games. I was impressed by the enthusiasm of the young players, and the attention their coach paid to them. All of the following shots were made with the Leica IIIG, this time with a Nikkor 50mm f2 LTM lens that I purchased at Map Camera in Tokyo. It's a beautiful little lens.
I very much appreciated capturing a little slice of the Hawks' fun together. Great fun with an old Leica rangefinder.

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