
Sunday, May 3, 2015

Finding Space in the Big City of Tokyo - with Leica IIIG

Urban Space, by Reed A. George
Leica IIIG, Ilford HP5 Film
This gentleman on left was out early in the morning at the Tomioka Hachiman shrine in Tokyo. The lesser shrines are always a good place to go for some space and relaxation. The big ones, like Meiji Shrine, are frequently very crowded. The secret in either case is to be out early.
I find this to be true in almost any big city. New York City, Barcelona, Tokyo, they're all pretty quiet in the early mornings.
Here's another shot from the shrine. I focused on the cherry blossoms, rendering the fountain slightly out of focus with shallow depth of field. There was no one else in sight when I shot this.
Quiet Morning, by Reed A. George
Leica IIIG, Ilford HP5 Film
So, if the crowds in the big city get to you, simply get up early! Jet lag sure helped with that while I was in Tokyo.

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