
Wednesday, May 6, 2015

How to Get Better Pinhole Images

Bull Run Creek, by Reed A. George
4x5 Pinhole Camera
Today (the day I'm writing this, April 26, 2015) is World Pinhole Day.
(Click Here) to read about World Pinhole Day. You've missed this one, but read up and be prepared for the next one!
My friend, Bill, and I went put and shot pinhole images today at the National Arboretum in Washington, DC. I used my 6x17 panoramic pinhole camera for black and white. But, since there were so many great colors there because of spring, I also shot quite a lot with a pinhole body cap on my Nikon Df. I'll be posting some of those in the near future.
(Click Here) to read about the Reality So Subtle 6x17 panoramic pinhole camera that I use a lot these days.
After returning this evening, I did a web search to read a little more about pinhole techniques. I found a post on The Phoblographer (Click Here to read it), listing five keys to better pinhole photos:
  1. Shoot in black and white
  2. Use a tripod
  3. Use high contrast film
  4. Compose to guide the viewer through your image
  5. Use a lightmeter
I agree with most, but not all of these points. As I've already said, I do like to shoot color as well as black and white in my pinhole cameras. Also, I strongly recommend using a smart phone app, instead of a light meter. Personally, I use a great one called "Pinhole Meter" on my iPhone. It is very simple to use, and doesn't require me to mentally calculate anything. Better than a traditional lightmeter.
I had a great time shooting on World Pinhole Day. Now to process film, select a single image, and get it posted to the website!

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