
Monday, May 11, 2015

Worldwide Pinhole Day - More from the National Arboretum with the Nikon Df

Here are some more pinhole images, taken with my Nikon Df and f/180 pinhole body cap on Worldwide Pinhole Day. (Click Here) to go the the Worldwide Pinhole Day site.
For some reason, I really like these two. Not sure which I like best:
In the first, I like the total absence of people other than the two in the foreground. In the second, I feel that the two people in the far distance, and the way the lady in the foreground is turning her face toward the sky actually add to the scene. I know, they're just blurry pictures, but I really enjoy the change of pace with pinhole, which allows me to concentrate on composition.
Here are some more with people in them.

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