
Friday, June 5, 2015

13 St NW - Washington, DC, Shot with Rolleiflex 2.8F Planar

13 St NW, by Reed A. George
Rolleiflex 2.8F Planar, Kodak TMax 400 Film
I know it looks like a simple shot, but I worked hard on this composition. I took a few other shots, but this one appeals to me the most. I believe that the two workers (one on a ladder on left, one on stairs at right), the bicyclist, and especially the open window at the top corner of the building are importnat compositional elements. The street sign at top left is as well. I see a compositional triangle of the ladder, window, and either bicyclist or worker on stairs that works well for me. The street sign sort of breaks up the scene in an interesting way.
Probably over-thought, but I like it.

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