
Tuesday, June 23, 2015

"Captured by Chance" - Inspired by the Work of Masahiko Kishino

Weekend at NYC Fish Market, by Reed A. George
Leica M8
As you may know, after many years of photography, I have yet to narrow my focus on a particular subject, style, or approach. Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever grow up and narrow my definition. For now, the answer appears to be no. I love street, event, wildlife, even landscape photography. That's why I'm so impressed when someone else focuses and perfects just one thing.
That's the case with Masahiko Kishino. He shoots Leica M film cameras, PolyPan F black and white film, and that's it. He's an expert at photographing people, capturing a tiny bit of their personality without ever really getting to know anything about them. I feel that I kind of pulled that off in the image above, and would like to do more of it.
(Click Here) to read about Kishino's work on the Leica Camera Blog. Be sure to take a look at his images. The lead image, of a young lady in a coffee shop, is just astounding.

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