
Thursday, July 2, 2015

The Handley Library in Winchester, Virginia - Fuji GS645S Medium Format Rangefinder

I have happily re-entered the Fujifilm camera owners crowd. No, I didn't buy an X100... I re-bought a camera that I had owned in the past, the 6x4.5 medium format film rangefinder GS645S. With a slightly wide angle (38mm equivalent) 60mm f4 lens, this is one perfect little travel camera.
I shot a 15 exposure test roll of TMax 400 in my new camera in Winchester, Virginia, last weekend.
Handley Library, by Reed A. George
Fuji GS645S, Kodak TMax 400 Film, Red Filter
The Handley Library is in my opinion by far the most interesting architecture in Winchester. Built in 1913, it strikes me as a little piece of Europe in rural Virginia. I shot this image with a 2-stop red filter, to darken the bright blue summer sky and bring out the contrast in the clouds. I think it worked.
Here's a shot from inside the library, in which I was attracted by the light rather than the subject.
Inside the Handley Library, by Reed A. George

Fuji GS645S, Kodak TMax 400 Film

I think this image demonstrates what I love about this camera. A wide range of tones, and sharpness that is as good as it comes, if you ask me. Not bad for a 30 year old film camera. I'll write more about the camera in coming days, but suffice it to say the GS645S is a wonderfully compact, if not sturdy, high quality imager.

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