
Sunday, April 22, 2012

Carl Zeiss 2011 Photo Contest Winners!

“Wrestling with Gravity” by David Mor
“Wrestling with Gravity” by Israeli photographer David Mor
Image Source:
Carl Zeiss has announced the winning images from their 2011 photography contest.
(Click Here) to see all of the winning images.
The contest entries were hosted on flickr this year.
I find the first place image above to be very deserving of the prize. There are many great elements to this image, both obvious and subtle, in my opinion. The obvious struggle to push the cart nearly straight up a stairway is the obvious part. For me, the bread loaves overhanging both sides add to the precarious feeling. The bread itself is also important; I can imagine it still being warm. The way the wheels lean on the cart, the worn stones of the stairs that have been used for so many years. Wonderful.

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