
Saturday, April 21, 2012

Micro 4/3 With Nikon PreAI Classic Lenses

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User wlewisiii on the mu-43 forum recently shared some nice black and white images, taken with classic Nikkor lenses:

(Click Here) to see the full post,

and (Click Here) to see wlewisiii's picasa albums.

These images were taken with an Olympus E-P1, and Nikkor 24mm/f2.8, 50mm/f1.4, and 105mm/f2.5 PreAI lenses.

I love the fact that all Micro 4/3 format bodies (be them Olympus or Panasonic) accept adapters for so many lens mounts. I find it interesting that the PreAI lenses are more compatible with Micro 4/3 bodies than they are with current Nikon bodies. I have two PreAI lenses - the 50mm/f1.4 and the 28mm/f2.8. I have not used them extensively on my Lumix bodies. Maybe I will give them more exposure time.

I find myself missing many of my old cameras. I wonder if using the old lenses on a Lumix body will help to scratch that itch? I will give it a try.

(Click Here) for a lively forum post on about using older lenses on digital bodies. This includes lots of nice example images from my friends there.

Get your adapter here:

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