
Monday, April 9, 2012

Lumix DMC-GX1 in Trinidad (Carnival)

And now for something quite different...
Carnival in Trinidad by Cakkarudie
Image Source:
Lumix images from another place I've never been, Trinidad!
(Click Here) to see the original post on and a couple more images, and a link to cakkarudie's flickr set at the bottom of the post.
There are some pretty risque' shots there, so be careful if you are at work!
I find this image pretty interesting:
Image Source:
Those security guards with sticks in the background don't look all that jovial.
Anyway, I can see that these shots were made with the PZ14-42mm lens, and overall look really good. Looks like a fun party, but I'm not sure everyone there was happy about being photographed. Clearly, some were happy no matter what!
Thanks for sharing, cakkarudie!

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