
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Manipulated Images - "Grunged Japan" by Reed A. George

I warned you - this post contains manipulated images. I just arrived home from Japan. For most of my trip, I had weak or no internet connection, so you can expect to see several posts about Japan now that I'm back and reconnected. On the airplane ride home, I experimented with some fun manipulations of Lumix images I took on the trip, using an iPad app called Snapseed.
(Click Here) to find out more about Snapseed.
Here are some examples:
Grunged Japan #1, by Reed A. George
Grunged Japan #1, by Reed A. George
Grunged Japan #2, by Reed A. George
Grunged Japan #2, by Reed A. George
Grunged Japan #3, by Reed A. George
Grunged Japan #3, by Reed A. George

Grunged Japan #4, by Reed A. George
Grunged Japan #4, by Reed A. George

Grunged Japan #5, by Reed A. George
Grunged Japan #5, by Reed A. George

Grunged Japan #6, by Reed A. George
Grunged Japan #6, by Reed A. George
Now I know these are not my normal images. That's the point. I wanted to do something a little different. Snapseed was just the ticket to accomplish that. I've used a pretty stochastic approach to these, and didn't follow any recipe. They include combinations of "Vintage Film," "Organic Frames," "Center Focus," and "Grunge" (hence the name of the series).
They are so manipulated, I think it suffices to say that all are Lumix photographs, taken with either a DMC-G3 or DMC-TS3.
Grunged Japan #7, by Reed A. George
Grunged Japan #7, by Reed A. George
I hope you don't mind indulging a little break from my normal style with me. I wouldn't want to use these effects every day, but they were a nice little diversion on the flight home.
Let me know what you think!
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