
Sunday, May 20, 2012

Another Jpeg Setting To Try

Here Comes the Sun by dixeyk on
Image Source:
I have written in the past about my desire to find great jpeg settings for my Lumix DMC-G3. I normally shoot raw files, but would like to get the best jpegs out of my camera, to minimize the need to sit in front of a computer, post-processing images. Especially given my luck with home computers lately (another story).
Poster dixeyk on posted this image, and his settings.
(Click Here) to see dixeyk's post.
dixeyk uses the "My Film" setting on his Panasonic Lumix DMC-GH2, setting Contrast, Sharpness, Saturation, and Noise Reduction all uniformly to a value of -2.
From dixeyk's single example, this looks pretty good to me.
I previously tried another user's suggested settings and found the result way too contrasty and saturated. So, for now, I just use the normal film setting, but am not totally satisfied with the result.
(Click Here) for my earlier post on jpeg settings. Note, again however, these didn't work out for me.
I'm leaving for a short trip this weekend. I'll give dixeyk's settings a try and report back.

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