
Monday, May 21, 2012

A Little Diversion from Lumix - Bird Photography With Nikon D700

Ospreys, by Reed A. George
Osprey (Pandion Haliaetus), by Reed A. George
Nikon D700, 300mm f4 AF-IF Nikkor
iso1600, f5.6, 1/1000 sec

The images in this post are the best few from three separate kayaking trips along the Potomac here in Northern Virginia. Bird photography is a very specialized business. While I did gain a few nice images with the G3 and 100-300mm Lumix, my very best images happened to be with my Nikon D700. So, pardon the break from Lumix, but I wanted to share these.

Osprey, by Reed A. George
Osprey (Pandion Haliaetus), by Reed A. George
Nikon D700, 500mm f4 AIS Nikkor (Manual Focus)
iso1600, f5.6, 1/1000 sec
Osprey (Pandion Haliaetus) Catching Shad, by Reed A. George
Nikon D700, 500mm f4 AIS Nikkor (Manual Focus)
iso1600, f5.6, 1/1000 sec

It's interesting fitting a Nikkor 500mm f4 AIS lens, big heavy Gitzo tripod, and all my other gear into a 10 foot kayak. But, as long as the winds are not heavy, it works.

The Eastern Kingbird (Tyrannus tyrannus) below just showed up while I was set up to shoot the ospreys. I really like the branch as a compositional element in this shot.

Eastern Kingbird (Tyrannus tyrannus), by Reed A. George
Nikon D700, 500mm f4 AIS Nikkor (Manual Focus)
iso1600, f5.6, 1/500 sec
It's good to have a lot of interests; that's never been a problem for me. Kayaking, birdwatching, and photography came together in this case. Great fun!


  1. Wonderful! Especially the sharp images from a manual focus lens, that takes real talent.

  2. fantastic work on the Nikon.... keep it up!
