
Monday, May 28, 2012

Specialty Blogs Are Cool - Check Out Micromotorsport

Classic Corvette Interior, by Reed A. George
Panasonic Lumix DMC-G1, Leica Summarit 50mm f1.5 (LTM)
iso 100, 1/800sec

When I started this blog, specifically focused on Panasonic Lumix cameras and my uses of them, I was concerned about it being focused on too small of a subject. However, what I read about blogging indicated that it was better to focus tightly, so I gave it a try. While I do write about things other than purely Lumix topics, there is always a connection to my photography interests, which all include Panasonic in some way, or at some time or another.

Anyway, I found this very focused blog, centered on the use of Micro 4/3 cameras to photograph automobiles and automotive events:

(Click Here) to check it out.

This intersection of Micro 4/3 gear and automobile interests is clearly focused, but I'm sure still draws quite a number of followers. There are excellent examples of car images throughout, a shooting guide, and interesting writing about techniques and equipment. Bravo!

I love to attend car shows, and used to be seen pretty regularly at the Laguna Seca Antique races in Monterey, California, when I lived near there.

(Click Here) for the Laguna Seca website.
Black Cat, by Reed A. George

I hope those of you who are car and Micro 4/3 enthusiasts will enjoy this site. If cars aren't your bag, you may still want to read the shooting guide's information on motion panning - it works for anything in motion.

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