
Monday, May 28, 2012

Chapter 3 of My eBook on the G3 Is Now Available For Free Download!

Panasonic Lumix DMC-G3
with Nikon Nikkor 28mm f2.8 Manual Focus Lens

If you've been following the development of my eBook, you may be interested to know that Chapter 3 is now available for free download. Chapter 3 takes on the subject of focusing - both the extensive autofocus (AF) technologies and the superb manual focusing tools resident in the DMC-G3.

(Click Here) to download Chapter 3 - Focusing

As a reminder, here are the links to the posts for the first two chapters:
(Click Here) for Chapter 1 - Introduction and External Controls
(Click Here) for Chapter 2 - Menu Settings
Writing this chapter helped me to work through some questions I had with AF settings. Probably the most important thing I learned is how cool Pinpoint Focus can be when used in conjunction with the Touch Screen. As a regular user of the Electronic View Finder (EVF), I don't use the Touch Screen often. However, after trying out Pinpoint Focus, I now have it in mind should the opportunity present itself.
I hope you're enjoying the eBook! Please comment, drop me a line, or even purchase something on Amazon by clicking through the link below. It doesn't cost you anything extra.


  1. Great job! i think You have involved a lot of time to write this... I'am advanced amateur but I still find many useful tips in Your e-book as I don't like spending too much time with user manual supported by Panasonic ;) I also write my own u43 blog on :)

  2. Thank you. I'm really glad that you found some useful tips!

    I'll be sure to check out your blog, as well.


  3. Thanks for the guide. I was looking at your focussing chapter, and it seems you missed a nice feature for focussing with Legacy lenses. You said "If you are using a legacy (non-native Micro 4/3) lens with an adapter, you can activate MF
    ASSIST by pressing the left direction cursor button, followed by MENU/SET." I was using this as well. But always found those two presses to be a pain, as well as the risk of moving the focus area if you pressed the left-cursor twice.
    I then discovered this much better method available, prompted by a post on DPReview. If you have a legacy lens on, if press the wheel in, it then pops up the magnified window. You also then immediately have the opportunity of changing the magnification level, by adjusting the wheel. Pressing again reverts back to the full screen.

    1. Hey martyvis - you are absolutely correct. I've been using that feature myself, and just somehow forgot to include it.

      Thanks very much!


    2. Hi Reed George thanks for the great tips found them very useful. I have just fitted a Lumix G Vario 14-140 lens to my G3 and I was wondering if I should be doing anything special in the setting after fitting this lens.
      Thanks again Dave.

  4. Here's a question for you: I used your recommended setup and it seems to cause the batteries to run down at a very high rate. Could it be the lens or is there one of the settings that causes the camera to perform some function that drains the battery?

  5. Hi Reno, thanks for your question. The only setting that I know that may be causing this is S2.3 (Eco). As I mentioned in my eBook, I don't like having my camera or LCD turn off in between shots, so I set these to very long delays. As a result, I always turn my camera off when I am not shooting.

    Hope this helps.


  6. Aha, I think that may be it. I was in the habit of letting the camera go into sleep mode, so I had the times set very short. I'll change it back and see if that was it.

    Thanks for all of your good work. Can't wait to see the next chapter.

  7. Hi Reno - hope that helps! FYI, I posted the final chapters of the eBook on June 10. For some reason, blogger won't let me include a link in the comment here. But, it's all there, with all links in a single post on June 10.


  8. Just wanted to say thank you for your great chapters on the G3. Exactly what I have been looking for! Please keep up the great work and know we appreciate your time and effort in this project - please keep the chapters coming!

  9. Thanks for writing the G3 book; it is very handy. I have a question: do you have any problems with the G3 not adjusting the shutter speed when you mount a manual lens and change the aperture? For example: a manual lens is focused wide open at f/2 and the shutter speed is 1/125. Then you stop it down to f/5.6, so the shutter speed should have automatically changed to 1/15, but my camera is not doing that. Possibly I have not set it up to recognize manual lenses? Thanks for any hints!

  10. Hi Kodachromeguy - I have never seen this problem before. I assume you're shooting in Aperture (A) mode when you expect the camera to adjust shutter speed for you? That works fine with manual lenses on my G3.

  11. There is the "Shoot W/O Lens" option that needs to be set in the recording menu to use non-Micro 4/3 lenses, but your camera won't take a picture at all if that's set wrong. Not sure why shutter speed would not adjust correctly...

    Oh - do you have auto ISO on? That could possibly do it.

