
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Skeletons From The Closet Camera For September - The Nikomat (Nikkormat) FTn

September's Camera, the Nikomat FTn
I'm excited about this month's SFTC camera. A Nikomat (Japanese market version of the Nikkormat) FTn, made between 1967-1975, this camera was given to me by a dear friend, Dennis Gallus, before he moved off to Arizona. The lens you see above is the classic Nikkor-S 50mm f1.4 that came with it, a sparkling beauty of a lens. The camera and lens are in near mint condition, which I must admit has kept me from taking it out a lot. It's coming out this month; I'll just have to be careful.
The Nikomat was offered by Nippon Kogaku (known as Nikon since 1988) as an advanced enthusiast camera to supplement the more expensive F line, which was targeted at professionals.
(Click Here) to read more about the Nikomat on wikipedia.
The Nikomat will mount any Nikon lens that has the coupling shoe which mounts to a corresponding pin on the camera body to give the body f-stop information. I have a few lenses that will mount to this camera: the 45mm f2.8 pancake lens, 28mm f2.8 AIS, 50mm f1.4 (above), 28mm f3.5, 105mm f2.5 AIS, and 200mm f4 AIS. I plan to use the pancake lens a lot this month, as it's relatively new to me, and I'd like to learn its qualities.
I already got it out for a day of shooting, so I'll have results rolling in soon.
Thank you, Dennis, for giving me such a lovely piece of Nikon history!

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