
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Whole Lotta Leica Results - Summicron 35mm f2 in Lahaina, Maui

I found that I didn't actually carry the M9 around a lot on vacation in Maui. I think this was mainly because I was out in the sun, sand, and water a lot - not exactly the best environment for a rangefinder camera. But, I did make it a point to go into Lahaina town with it. Here are a couple of shots I made:
Chinese Wing Ho Museum, by Reed A. George
Leica M9, Summicron 35mm f2
iso 160, f11, 1/250 sec.
The Wing Ho Chinese Society built this house in 1912 on Front Street in Lahaina. The house fell into disrepair for many years before being rescued and renovated in 1983. I was happy to catch these Asian (Chinese?) tourists leaving the museum.
Biker, Front Street, by Reed A. George
Leica M9, Summicron 35mm f2
iso 160, f11, 1/250 sec.
This was a quick reaction shot. It paid to have my camera exposure set, and hyperfocal distance set on the focus scale. With the 35mm wide angle lens, the depth of field at f11 is considerable, and allowed me to quickly pull up the camera and shoot. Again, the 35mm field of view allowed me to be close to the biker (on the sidewalk as he rode by), and get some context of the street as well. With a 50mm, it would have been harder to get focus, and I probably would have had to confine the composition to the biker himself. As it is, this shot gives some clue as to where it was taken. Asian biker, Hawaiian store name, you get it.
I could get used to shooting with a 35mm lens. Maybe I should.
By the way, if you travel to Hawaii, you may want to read the book below, This Is Paradise. It is a series of short stories that gives you a feel for the real modern Hawaii, away from the tourist resorts. It is for mature audiences (just a warning). I enjoyed it very much. Please buy yours through the link below:

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