
Sunday, October 6, 2013

Nikomat FTn at Irish Dance Exhibition - Skeletons From The Closet, September's Camera

My Nikomat FTn and I recently went to Glen Echo Park in Maryland. They were holding an Irish dance event in what used to be the bumper car ride in the old Glen Echo Amusement Park.
Very challenging lighting, indeed, the pavilion was ringed with mid-day sun, while the interior remained quite dark. Having not brought a flash with me, or ever attempted to use one with the FTn, I decided to go with the prevailing conditions. This first shot took advantage of the light around the edges, and allowed me to capture some details of the dancers stretching and warming up.
Warming Up, by Reed A. George
Nikomat FTn, Kodak Tmax 400 Film

To really share what the lighting was like, I decided to shoot a few silhouettes. I really like the lines of the wood planks in the floor, and how they created a pool of reflected light in the relative darkness. The rafters in the roof also add to the structure of the shots. In this first silhouette, I also like how the dancer at right is actually not touching the floor; you can just detect that by the shadows under her foot.
Silhouette #1, by Reed A. George
Nikomat FTn, Kodak Tmax 400 Film

What I like about this final shot is how the dancer's arms frame the spectator in the distance beyond them. I also think the electric fans add an element of interest.
Silhouette #2, by Reed A. George
Nikomat FTn, Kodak Tmax 400 Film
Hardly documentation of the event or the people involved, these shots are my personal interpretation of what I saw. I enjoyed shooting the Nikomat here, and feel that it helped me to extract some details from a challenging lighting situation.

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