
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

First Snow - Shot With Low Tech Wonder, Polaroid 103

Snow is Coming Down, by Reed A. George
Polaroid 103, Fujifilm FP-3000B Instant Film
As I write this, it's December 8, 2013, and we're having our first winter storm of the year. Being a self-respecting photographer, I couldn't just sit at home and finish scanning film (which is also on my list for today). So, I packed up a few cameras and drove out to the local wildlife reserve. Here's the only shot I made with the Polaroid 103 today. You can see the snow streaking down. I increased contrast in Lightroom (after scanning the print). I think it came out pretty darned good.
This was shot on the endangered Fujifilm FP-3000B instant black and white film. (Click Here) to see an earlier post about Fuji's plans to do away with this film. I sure hope they can be convinced to change their minds, but I am sure the market's small.
As will all things, they can't last forever. I am glad that I got the chance to use this excellent film, and enjoyed the result today.
Perhaps if you buy some film for that old pack film camera you've got sitting around, Fuji will keep making it for a while. Here's a link:

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