
Friday, December 6, 2013

Mimo Khair - Artistic Fall Photos, Shanghai

Fall Games - Shanghai, by Mimo Khair
Image Source:
Mimo Khair's is one of the blogs I try to keep an eye on. She has posted a beautifully creative set of autumn pictures, from Shanghai.
(Click Here) to see the complete set of photos and some words on Mimo's blog.
In this case, Mimo has combined several aspects of fall, and of her chosen city, to say something about the season. Very nicely done.
Mimo ran her blog as a 365 project for one year, the second year was a photo per day as well, but from her archives (rather than shooting one every day). 2013 was her third year, and she dropped the strict 365 (a photo per day) requirement. While I think about where I want DMC-365 to go next year (my third year), this has me thinking. On one hand, I think the consistency of a post each and every day is good for me, and perhaps for my readers. On the other hand, I'm not sure it's stimulating creativity on my part the way I intended. No decisions yet, just thinking.

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