
Friday, December 6, 2013

The Point Reyes, Shot with Leica M6 and Summicron 50mm f2 v.3

The Point Reyes, by Reed A. George
Leica M6 Titanium, Summicron 50mm f2 v.3 Lens
Kodak iso 400 Color Print Film, Converted to Monochrome in Lightroom
While in California a while back, I took the opportunity to meet up with two fellow LHSA (International Leica Society) members, Gary Hough and Andy Godlewski, in Marin County to explore one of my very favorite places, Point Reyes.
This old boat has been beached here as long as I've been coming to Point Reyes, well over ten years for sure. I found Point Reyes when I lived in the Bay Area from 1997 to 2005. I sure miss the place.
We spent the day hiking, catching up, and shooting pictures together. I have a few other images that may be worth presenting, but mostly it was a good time to get out with friends.
I think the black and white conversion of color print negatives in Lightroom works extremely well. I do still shoot a lot of Kodak Tmax 400 black and white film, but I'm not sure I can explain the logic, given these results.
I really enjoyed shooting the M6 film camera alongside my digital M9.

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