
Thursday, July 3, 2014

Hey, Maybe Micro 4/3 is a Sweet Spot After All?

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While I'm not happy to hear that Nikon's camera business is struggling, I found the graph above most interesting. And, while I understand that not all mirrorless cameras are Micro 4/3, the text in this post on THEME makes special mention of that format and how well it's doing.

(Click Here) to read more about how DSLRs are losing ground to mirrorless, and how Nikon and Canon, while offering what some consider to be weak options in mirrorless, are looking to new business areas for revenues.

While the post on THEME says that Nikon has no experience in Medical Imaging (the major market they've announced they'll pursue), I know firsthand that they do have expertise in imaging for medical research. Their research microscopes are excellent, and they are clearly working hard to bring new products to market that compete with the other best-in-class companies.

The theory in this article about why Nikon and Canon have offered "compromise" mirrorless cameras is that they are afraid of cannibalizing their DSLR market. That may be true. However, I've always marvelled at how Nikon will come out with a $5,000 super DSLR, then follow it up 9-12 months later with a $2,000 camera that has 95% of the features of the former. It's great for us users. But, I don't see fear of cannibalization going on there (within their own DSLR lineup), at least.

I agree that mirrorless cameras are certainly now encroaching on the specific market for DSLRs. I loved carrying two Micro 4/3 bodies and more lenses than necessary in a single bag on my most recent vacation. However, I'll be grabbing my Nikon DSLR this weekend for a music event. So, my hope, as a selfish user, is that both formats have a long future, with lots of improvements still to come. And no, I don't mean video capability that allows you to pick the perfect frame out of 10,000 captured!

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