
Friday, July 4, 2014

Music Festival Photography

I really like shooting at music festivals. I love live music, creative people, and nature. The festivals give me all of that.
I especially like the smaller local festivals here in Northern Virginia. In fact, I'm headed out to one this weekend at Watermelon Park, in Berryville. This one's called "River and Roots," and I'll get to see many of my friends there.
By shooting at festivals, I've met a few of the best live music photographers there are. One of those is Milo Farineau. Another, his mentor, is Chester Simpson. Both are fabulous photographers and people.
Chester recently posted a link to his friend's thoughts on modern festivals, including Glastonbury in the UK.
(Click Here) to read Barry Wolman's thoughts, which include comparing Glastonbury to a "prison yard."
While the festivals I attend do focus as much on camping and spending time with friends, they also clearly celebrate the music, something that seems to be lost at some of the larger festivals. The music is what really brings us all together around here. If I felt as Wolman does, it would be time for me to stop attending festivals. As it is, I can't wait for this weekend!
Oh, and Happy Fourth of July!

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