
Thursday, February 5, 2015

Pinhole Camera in Odd Places

Following on my post from yesterday, here are a couple of shots I made by placing the Reality So Subtle 6x17 pinhole camera in odd places. First, I put it on top of the coffee grinder. It's impossible to see, but there was a steady stream of people who walked through the fifteen minute exposure, including one of the staff who was about to call security, wondering what this odd box on the coffee grinder was. Luckily, I was sitting nearby (that's me to the far right), and let him know it was mine. No problem, once I noticed his concern.
From the Coffee Grinder, by Reed A. George
Reality So Subtle 6x17 Pinhole Camera, Kodak TMax 100 Film
This next one was made by placing the camera on a stainless steel serving table, under a shelf. The lights in the ceiling are reflected back up from the stainless surface, giving an interesting effect.
From the Serving Table, by Reed A. George
Reality So Subtle 6x17 Pinhole Camera, Kodak TMax 100 Film
I'm really enjoying using this odd camera. For more information on the camera itself, (Click Here).

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