Thursday, October 31, 2013

"Why I Killed Street Photography" - Great Post by A.D. DeMesa on Eric Kim's Blog

I Guess This Is Street?, by Reed A. George
Agfa Record III, 6x9 Folding Medium Format Camera
I read a very interesting introspective post by A.G. DeMesa, a Manila-based photographer, who wrote a guest piece on Eric Kim's street photography blog.
Basically, A.G. is talking about breaking free of restrictions, any restrictions, imposed by trying to shoot in a particular style or genre. He has a significant body of work (10,000 images) to look back on, which helped him decide to "Kill" street photography. DeMesa refers back to historic photographers (Meyerowitz, Frank, Moriyama and others) and how they each pursued something new, different from the accepted styles of their times. Now he's doing the same.
I particularly like this quote:
"That was it. All of them had one thing in common: It was about seeing something. No dogma, no photographic gods, no one true photography. That is what I’m going to do."

Yes. Now if only I could decide what it is that I'm seeing, and communicate it.
(Click Here) to read DeMesa's post on Eric Kim's blog.
I've been considering taking a 1-on-1 skype or Google+ street workshop with Eric Kim. I just need to find a time when I know I'll be able to get out and shoot.

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